GDF Biuro Rachunkowe - Żmujdzka 31, 31-217 Kraków
Pon - Pt : 7:30 - 16:00


Accounting Office


GDF Biuro Rachunkowe (GDF) has been operating on the market of financial and accounting services since 1998. We focus on accounting, HR and payroll services for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

We hold the legally required licence for the provision of bookkeeping services, issued by the Ministry of Finance (licence no. 1784/96).

Our firm holds civil liability insurance policies regarding provision of bookkeeping services and certain tax advisory activities.

About us


GDF employs 16 persons.

The quality of our service is ensured by the knowledge and competences of our staff, who regularly participate in training programmes organised by the Kraków Tax Chamber or recognised training providers, such as Instytut Studiów Podatkowych (Tax Studies Institute) of Mr Modzelewski.

Access to specialist tax and HR Internet services as well as our extensive tax knowledge archives enable us to offer professional service.

Group of Financial Advisors GDF - Accounting and accounting office in Krakow

Get to know our offer

Our offerContact


Part of our staff hold accounting certificates issued by the Minister of Finance, authorising them to provide bookkeeping services, as well as chief accountant certificates issued by the Accountants Association in Poland, and some are in the course of taking their certified accountant examinations.


The years of professional experience, regular employee training, and access to the latest tax interpretations allow us to state that even in the case of very specific or unusual type of business, we are able to offer our customers high quality service, compliant with tax and balance-sheet laws.


We work with several law firms, and therefore our customers can count on the support of the legal advice. The comprehensive range of our services is additionally enhanced by our cooperation with the specialist on health and safety at work and fire security – if required, we can arrange meetings and coordinate training or assignments.

GDF Accounting Office

IT systems

We use licensed accounting and HR software developed by recognised IT firms. In most cases, the software supports data import and thus accelerates the processes and enhances service quality

Any tax returns, transfers, specification of turnover and accounting balances as well as payrolls can be regularly sent by e-mail in the form of Acrobat Reader files (*.pdf)

* Wszystkie zastrzeżone nazwy, znaki towarowe i graficzne, użyte w serwisie są własnością odpowiednich firm i/lub instytucji i zostały użyte jedynie w celach informacyjnych.

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